Harrogate Massage-Rachael Inchboard
9 Princes Square, Harrogate, HG11ND
07903 629878
Spinal Massage Harrogate, Knaresborough, Ripon, Wetherby, North Yorkshire

A Spinal Massage is a very gentle and relaxing massage which helps draw tension out of the back and spine. Safely stretching, aligning and allowing the vertebrae to breathe. This helps with the regeneration of the vertebra. The method was developed in Germany and it is believed that degenerated inter-vertebral discs were capable of regenerating.
Treatment time:
30 mins and 60 mins treatments available
- A 30 mins treatment can be incorporated with a Dorn Therapy session
- A treatment can be combined with a Lymphatic Drainage Facial for a great way to relax.
Clients Comments:
``A very soothing treatment which really loosened up my back, other massage treatments I have had in the past seemed to work on the back but this treatment focused on the spine. I felt my spine had been re-awakened and energised.''
``I had been suffering with a bad back for a few years. I came to Rachael to try this treatment as I hadn't heard of it before. The back massage really helped and my back felt much better after the treatment."
Click below for other Back Treatments: