Harrogate Massage-Rachael Inchboard
9 Princes Square, Harrogate, HG11ND
07903 629878
Lymphatic Drainage Massage -Fusionage Therapies Harrogate,Knaresborough, Wetherby

Lymphatic Drainage Massage (also known as Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage, MLD) is an extremely light pressure massage which allows the body to go into a deep state of relaxation. Helping the body heal on many levels.
The Lymphatic System is designed to assist in the removal of waste products from the cells. A sedentary life style, stress and other factors such as illness can cause the Lymphatic System to become sluggish.
Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage include:
* A well functioning lymphatic system contributes to healthy body tissue and plays an important role in the body's immune responses.
* Plays a key role in the circulation of hormones - this helps with PMS, Fertility Issues, Menopausal Symptoms and regulating a woman's period.
*Detoxification - compliments a detox program & Colonic Irrigation
* Helps reduce cellulite /fluid retention and improves the skin.
* Calms the central nervous system and helps to reduce stress.
* Alleviates symptoms of ME, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia.
* Alleviates symptoms of IBS.
* Helps Arthritic swelling.
* Helps reduce post operative/plastic surgery inflammation/swelling.
* Helps Post Viral Fatigue
* Clients who have been experiencing 'Long Covid Syndrome symptoms' have been benefiting and responding well from a combined treatment of Reiki Energy Healing to help balance their body and Lymphatic Drainage Massage to help flush out viral waste.
Client's Comment:
``I have regular sessions with Rachael and find them extremely therapeutic and relaxing."
`` Having suffered from a virus recently, I have been feeling completely not my self, and have quite bad fatigue, I came to Rachael who has explained that post viral fatigue is a common issue, Lymphatic drainage massage can help the body in lots of ways, one of which flushes out cellular waste.''
`` I found this massage treatment very helpful to help assist my detox plan and assist in removing excess fluid and toxins and reduce my cellulite.''
``After my operation I had quite a lot of fluid retention. After several treatments with Rachael there was a significant reduction.I found her treatments very relaxing which I think has helped my body recover faster.''
`` After having been of work suffering from stress I came to Rachael for a course of Lymphatic Drainage Massages. I found the treatment very therapeutic and due to the slow rhythmic type massage techniques-very relaxing!!``
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